
TRIS Inc., Ltd.: Philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

Company policy

  • 1. Have a loyalty to the company, perform duties with integrity, and contribute to society.
  • 2. Always be polite and value kindness.
  • 3. Be creative, devise, and improve skills to supply quality products at low prices.
  • 4. Open up the company future by improving employee engagement.


TRIS Group Long-Term Management Policy (TRIS VISION)

Honing our core technology to become a world-class company that has the support of global customers

Management Policy

Mid-Term Management Policy

One Global TRIS
A company where motivated people work with enthusiasm

Mid-Term Management Plan 2025

01Product Competitiveness
We will realize cost reduction by production innovation and contribute to the competitiveness of our customers' products.
02Portfolio Management
By refining e-Tribology® and learning about new technologies, we will develop new businesses that adapt to business environmental changes.
03Management Capabilities and HR development
Strengthen headquarters' functions / Develop personnel who can plan and execute company-wide strategies.